Home Events - Nantucket Events Civic League “Meet the Articles” Forum

Civic League “Meet the Articles” Forum

The Nantucket Civic League will present a special “Meet the Articles” forum in advance of the September 17 Special Town Meeting. This all-virtual forum on Thursday, August 29 starts at 3:00 pm.  It focuses on Article 16 regarding proposed changes to the NP&EDC.  Panelists are Hillary Hedges Rayport and Barry Rector.


One can register to attend and participate virtually (offering written questions on Article 16 via zoom) here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_qMCV-DpQRr6OI5GU5Mu3hg

One can watch this forum live-streamed starting at 3:00 pm; or anytime thereafter “on demand” here: https://youtube.com/live/bNi8u_AykcU?feature=share

“Meet the Articles” Forums feature invited panelists, offering Nantucket voters alternate perspectives on key articles. The Nantucket Civic League is strictly nonpartisan: We strive to inform, providing the views of proponents and opponents.


NCL Vice-President F. Scott Wilson will moderate this forum and pose audience questions to the invited panelists.



Aug 29 2024


3:00 pm - 4:30 pm