Myth-Busting Your Way through Menopause Managing Women’s Reproductive Health
Doors open at 4:45 p.m.
Program begins promptly at 5:00 p.m.
Refreshments to follow program at 6:00 p.m. on lawn
General Admission tickets are free and must be reserved ahead of time at this link.
Dr. Carey York-Best has been an attending physician at Mass General Hospital since 1993. Currently, she is the Division Director of Benign Gynecology and Obstetrics and the Associate Director of the third year clerkship director for Mass General at Harvard Medical School. Dr. York-Best provides specialized gynecologic care for abnormal bleeding, fibroids and endometriosis, including up-to-date medical and surgical technologies such as endometrial ablation, hysteroscopic surgery and laparoscopic and vaginal hysterectomy and myomectomy. Within her practice at Mass General, she cares for many women with advanced maternal age pregnancy, and has expertise in minimally invasive gynecologic surgery, perimenopause and the gynecologic care of breast cancer patients.
Sponsorships: Nantucket Cottage Hospital is able to offer this event free of charge thanks to our generous sponsors. Please consider helping to underwrite this important community event. Click here to become a sponsor.