Look Up Program at Loines Observatory
Join our professional astronomers for an impressive tour of Nantucket’s night sky. Get a chance to view the Moon, planets, bright stars, nebulae, and even other galaxies! Learn about the cutting-edge research being conducted by the Maria Mitchell Observatory astronomers and interns.
This program is designed to be interesting for all ages! Programs take place at 59 Milk Street Extension. In the case of inclement weather, programs will be cancelled.
If in doubt about the weather, please visit this website.
This special version of the Open Night program is free for Nantucket students and their families. We also welcome all teachers and other school employees to join us for this program. We would like to give a special thank you to the Weezie Foundation for generously funding this program, along with support from our donors.
No Registration Required
Interested in a private experience at Loines Observatory? Call us at 508-228-9273 or email rjorgenson@mariamitchell.org to find out about pricing. Timing can be flexible.